Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"...and would you have told us?"

I had to let two of my doctors know about a fall I took very late Sunday night/very early Monday morning (exactly 1 week after having my left shoulder cleaned/fixed up). Let me tell you, this wasn't some little trip & fall; oh no none of that cutesy stuff for me. I fell for no real reason, fell straight down on my left hand & knee & I fell hard.
I believe after lying there for nearly 15 minutes I am now able to state that yes if a tree falls in the forest it still makes a noise :-) 
I lay there feeling like the lady in those commercials "I've fallen & I can't get up!" nor could I reach my phone & at 1 in the morning you aren't exactly expecting company. It was with much relief I finally got myself up & collapsed onto the bed!
      Well I saw my surgeon a couple days later, he agreed the shoulder was quite tight & felt we needed to get going on Physical Therapy 3x a week for 4Wks. I am happy to report it is feeling less "jammed up" thanks to Kari's terrific work at  Tyler Avera Hospital's Physical Therapy Department.
     Next day I saw my cardiologist & found out I'm suppose to call in a.s.a.p. - anytime I fall without a cause & report. It's important they get any episodes charted. I didn't realize just how serious they would be about this because it was the first time I've gone down. I've gotten dizzy or a little light headed & had to put my hand out for a minute, take a few deep breaths-that type of thing. But until that night I'd never fallen & so far (11/20/12) I haven't blacked out as far as I know lol. Now I have to check back in with Dr Clark in January & we'll see how things are going then.
Until next time, Renae

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I feel horrible, like I'm getting the flu or my fibromyalgia is starting to really flare-up. It Feels as if I've been ran over by a steam roller {sPLAt}. I'm almost hoping for a quickie flu since I've had my flu shot so it won't (hopefully) be a long drawn out one. Sometimes fibro flare-ups seem to hang on & they leave your body feeling so wrung out & exhausted a bad one requires a period of recuperation.
I have to reschedule 2 Dr appts first thing in the morning as I don't have a way tomorrow or Tuesday (plus I'm already tired) & then order refills on abt dozen scripts in Marshall. I already called in refills on the couple in Pipestone (just have to pick them up).
Then figure out how to get some cat stuff (before Cali goes into major strike mode!), house supplies [hard to do dishes w/no soap; or take out trash w/out trashbags lol], quarters, laundry supplies & basic food - all while needing to force myself out of bed to accomplish any of it!!!
On bright side, since I must reschedule my morning appointment, I could go to the Library Book Club that is meeting at the Community Center to discuss 'The Great Gatsby' if I can catch a ride. Great Classic we switched over to. Started out as "Bridge of Sighs" by Russo it was lengthy & hard to get into but oh it was SO WORTH IT! I came to very deeply care about these people & their lives. I love a book like that. One that makes you want to know what happens with the people in the book & then when it fulfills that desire-ah so sweet!
Anyway I read two great books this month thanks to book club.
Until next time. Renae